Sell Your Condo In Fairfield At St James

Are you looking to SELL your 55 And Over Condo in Fairfield at St. James?

Then you should call Real Estate Agents Lawrence “Larry” & Sheila Agranoff at 631-805-4400 (c)

Inventory is currently low (September 2013) and we have buyers waiting for a clean Ranch Style Condo for sale.

Lawrnce and Sheila Agranoff list and sell Condos in Fairfield At St. James and can sell you a 55 and over Condo when available.
Buyers: Call us today to be placed on our Waiting List.
Owners: Call us today if you have a Ranch Condo in Fairfield at St James you wish to list with us and get it SOLD! 631-805-4400 (c)