Dix Hills Long Island:Homes Sold 2010 Dix Hills In Suffolk County New York

  LAWRENCE AND SHEILA are your Realty Connection for Dix Hills New York and all of The North Shore of Long Island.  We can be reached at 631-805-4400.

Dix Hills Long Island is located near the Villages of Huntington and Babylon in Western Suffolk County New York and the South East portion of the Town of Huntington. The Hamlet of Dix Hills is actually situated in the center of Long Island. 



Dix Hills is positioned on The North Shore of Long Island within The Half Hollow Hills School District #5 and The Commack Central School District #10.  The Half Hollow Hills School District has 7 Elementary Schools, 2 Middle Schools and 2 High Schools. For more information on the Half Hollow Hills School District, the general information number is 631-592-3000.  The Commack School District’s general information number is 631-921-2000.

There were 172 homes sold in Dix Hills, ranging in price from $235,000 for a “Bank Owned” 2 bedroom 1.5 bath Ranch to $1,565,000 for a 6 bedroom 4.5 bath Colonial.

Call for current pricing.

 We are providing statistics for residential single family homes that were sold in Dix Hills Long Island in Suffolk County New York during the year 2010, according to public records of the multiple listing services.

These sales reflect those homes sold in Dix Hills LI that were listed on MLS and do not include for sale by owner, non-member or non-published sales.


Average Days On The Market: 137
Average Listing Price: $746,000
Average Selling Price: $699,000
Average Taxes:        $ 14,649
Sold Price: $235,000 – $1,165,000


Style Cape 3
Colonial 68
Contemporary 8
Duplex 1
Exp Ranch 7
Farm Ranch 12
Hi Ranch 7
Other 1
Post Modern 10
Raised Ranch 1
Ranch 45
Splanch 3
Split 4
Victorian 2

LARRY AND SHEILA can sell you a home in Dix Hills Long Island, or sell you a residence at any other area on the North Shore of Long Island, when available.

We can be reached at 631-805-4400